Monday 9 May 2016

Week 12 - Ethical, sosial and legal issues

Assalamualaikum. Hello. Hi :))

What we will learn ?
1) Intellectual Property Rights 
2) Cyberlaws in Malaysia

Intellectual Property Right 
-refers to creations of the mind, original creative works from the creator -software, application, systems, websites, etc.
-IP is protected in law by, for example : 
i- Trademark
ii- Copyright 
iii- Patents 

Why protect an invention ?
Gives the owner of the patent/utility innovation the exclusive right to stop others from manufacturing, using or selling the owner's invention in Malaysia without the owner's consent or permission.

Cyberlaws in Malaysia :
1- Digital Signature Act 1997
2- Computer Crime Act 1997
3- Copyright (Amendment) Act 1997 
4- Communication and Multimedia Act 1998
5- Electronic Government Activities Act 2007

Friday 6 May 2016

Week 11 - Networking/Computer Security

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Alhamdulillah dah masuk Week 11, pembelajaran minggu ini ialah Networking/Computer Security. Pembelajaran minggu ini merangkumi introduction to network & computer security, client security issues and desktop security issues. Function network/computer security is to prevent and monitor unauthorized access, misuse, modification or denial of a computer network and network accessible resources. 

Network security certificates - SSL (Secure Socket Layer Certificate)
  • to allow secure connection from a web server to a browser 
  • when installed on a web server it activates the padlock and the https protocol
  • SSL- to secure credit card transaction, data transfer and log in

Client Security Issues
-Phishing and Web Spoofing 
--Phishing ->attacks are performed with the intention to acquire personal information
--Web spoofing ->mocking the web presences of trusted corporation with the intention to trick customers

Desktop security issues :
Trojan horses

Week 10

Pembelajaran minggu ni merupakan pembelajaran sambungan minggu lepas. Kelas minggu ini dimulai dengan perbincangan mengenai teknologi masa kini. Perbincangan merangkumi 3G dan 4G, perbezaan 3G dan 4G.
Perbincangan ialah mengenai Web 1.0 dan Web 2.0.